Monday, November 22, 2010

How to change my Skype phone number?

Is it possible to change my skype number whenever I want ? if so how can I?How to change my Skype phone number?
They currently don't offer a way to change your skypein phone number. I had to buy a new phone number then cancel my old number (and get a prorated refund). It was a lot of hassle, it was only worth it because the first number was outside the free calling area of my friends with land line phones.

You have the option of just allowing known phone numbers (from your contact list) being allowed to call you on your skypein number (see privacy options).How to change my Skype phone number?
No, you cannot. You would have to buy a 2nd number, or cancel the first and then buy another number. In the end, I suppose it works out the same. But, you can only pick from the list of offered numbers.

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